The abortion industry and repeated attacks and threats of religious terrorists are just two recent examples of many throughout history, of people on missions of death. The world has been plagued with evil since the fall of man in the garden. But God is on record that He is now and has always been, on His own mission of LIFE!

He breathed life into lifeless clay and we became living souls.
Throughout the whole Bible He is called, "the living God" who created and sustains all life.
He breathed life into lifeless clay and we became living souls. He gave mankind the ability to reproduce life and repeatedly calls people to "choose life" rather than death. God eventually sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ into the world to give us the Word of life and literally speak life into people who are dead in sin. He is the bread of life who gives us living water, the Spirit of life, the tree of life and ultimately the crown of life! Praise God!
Jesus Christ took up this loving mission of His Father Heb. 10:7-9 and He is deadly serious about it! When we look to His Cross we see both God's awesome love for all sinners (Christ died for all 2Cor. 5:14-21) and His holy hatred for sin. In Christ's bodily resurrection and glorification, we see what God wants for all people everywhere! Remember this, Jesus Christ is the representative man as God would have us to be!
Our Lord Jesus has given this same mission of eternal life to His church, "the temple of the living God." The good news of God is His power to save anyone who will believe it Rom. 1:15-16. Our mission is to share this gospel with everyone Mk.16:15-16! Do we understand that this mission is the abundant life we are called to? Are we seriously committed to it? Beloved, the world desperately needs us and God is counting on us!
Brother Danny